Símbolo de Cinestrenos.com

estrenos de cine

Noah Baumbach

Noah Baumbach

Noah Baumbach


Filmografía como director:

Greenberg (2010)
    ...T.O.: Greenberg

Margot y la boda (2007)
    ...T.O.: Margot at the Wedding

Una historia de Brooklyn (2005)
    ...T.O.: The Squid and the Whale

Highball (1997)
    ...T.O.: Highball

Mr. Celos (1997)
    ...T.O.: Mr. Jealousy

Kicking and Screaming (1995)
    ...T.O.: Kicking and Screaming

Filmografía como intérprete:

Highball (1997)
    ...T.O.: Highball

Kicking and Screaming (1995)
    ...T.O.: Kicking and Screaming

Filmografía como guionista:

Greenberg (2010)
    ...T.O.: Greenberg

Margot y la boda (2007)
    ...T.O.: Margot at the Wedding

Una historia de Brooklyn (2005)
    ...T.O.: The Squid and the Whale

The Life Aquatic (2004)
    ...T.O.: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Mr. Celos (1997)
    ...T.O.: Mr. Jealousy

Highball (1997)
    ...T.O.: Highball

Kicking and Screaming (1995)
    ...T.O.: Kicking and Screaming

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

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